Unmatched reliability.
Our expertise and product portfolio ranges from delivering high voltage for ignition to controlling motors and sensing every kind of operating condition or parameter.
Whether you need to measure oil pressure, track crankshaft rotation, quantify airflow or monitor any other aspect of engine operation, we have a solution to suit your particular needs. We don’t just make engines run cleanly, efficiently and reliably, we make them run – period!
Because our product portfolio is so large and diverse, we’ve broken it into the following seven solution categories:
Begining of Journey
Introduction of Revolutional Technology
New Factory Production
Agreement signed with PPFGH
GoldenTex Award
Collaboration with OOKLPL
When an off-the-shelf solution won't work, we can engineer exactly what the application needs.
Ignition Coils
Secondary voltage and duration, primary dwell time, whatever the challenge, we can build coils that create the energy you need.
Fluid velocities, temperatures, pressures, mechanical position, speed and acceleration. When there's something to be measured, we have a sensor for it.
Pressure Switches
Protecting hydraulic and fluid systems against under and over-pressure conditions, our switches are small and precise with low hysteresis.
Power Electronics
When a device or system draws more than 20W it needs power management components fit for the purpose. We can provide the solutions you need.
Rotary Position Sensors
Patented breakthrough technology for electric motor control that is an
alternative to bulky, expensive VR resolvers.
Contact Us
Wells Engineered Products
385 W. Rolling Meadows Drive
Fond du Lac, WI 54937
385 W. Rolling Meadows Drive
Fond du Lac, WI 54937
(920) 922-5900
Contact: [email protected]