Customized Solutions
When you’re building highly differentiated products, catalog components may not do the job. That’s why we develop solutions customized to the exact application requirements. It gives our customers the ability to separate their products from those of competitors. We’ve been so successful at it that manufacturing customized electrical/electronic devices makes up 75% of our business.
Customization is seldom about starting from scratch. Our approach is to take what’s proven and build from there. That may include assembling existing components in a different way, combining existing parts with new, or changing materials, dimensions or layout. It minimizes risk and maximizes speed, so you get what you need faster.

Speed matters, but there are no shortcuts. Every Wells Engineered Products custom solution goes through the same rigorous testing and validation processes as our standard products. We won’t go into production until we know we can meet our own demanding standards, and that ensures you get customized solutions you can trust.
Meeting your project and performance goals with a customized solution doesn’t happen when we work in isolation. We follow a collaborative process where you are involved in every step. From defining requirements and test procedures to establishing manufacturing processes, we don’t just want your input, we actively seek it.
Contact Us
385 W. Rolling Meadows Drive
Fond du Lac, WI 54937
Contact: [email protected]